Download extra files Now you can finish downloading the remainder of the files from the original GEOS system. Here you will find the major applications such as geoWrite, geoPaint, and geoSpell. You'll also find a collection of fonts for use with geoWrite and other applications as well as several popular printer drivers. Keep in mind there are hundreds of additional fonts and printer drivers available elsewhere on the Internet as well as from many other sources. You'll be using Convert 2.5 on each of these files to get them into a GEOS file format. GEOWRITE Let's begin with one of the finest word processors ever created for the Commodore, geoWrite. This is a graphical wordprocessor. You can type in text in many different font styles and you can also paste in photo scraps created from other applications such as geoPaint. You can set different margins, tabs, justification, etc. for each paragraph. To scroll up and down through the text, just move your mouse pointer to the top or bottom of the screen. GeoWrite is different from other wordprocessors in that you work with one page at a time. You can see exactly how that page will appear when printed. To move to a different page in your document just drop down the "page" menu and make your selection. GW64.CVT - GEOWRITE (35K) - geoWrite for the 64 GW128.CVT - GEOWRITE 128 (35K) - geoWrite for the 128 GEOPAINT Now we'll grab one of the best paint and drawing programs ever created for the Commodore, geoPaint. GeoPaint has many features found only on high-end paint programs found on other computer platforms. You'll enjoy using geoPaint for many different tasks from simple art to complex drawing of construction plans and many other projects. GPT64.CVT - GEOPAINT (38K) - geoPaint for the 64 GPT128.CVT - GEOPAINT (50K) - geoPaint for the 128 TEXT GRABBER Text Grabber is an application used to import word processing documents created by other programs into a geoWrite format. Download the main application along with the data files it uses which contains the info for each type of wordprocessor. TG64.CVT - TEXT GRABBER (17K) - Text Grabber for the 64 TG128.CVT - TEXT GRABBER 128 (17K) - Text Grabber for the 128 Support data files for Text Grabber for the 64: TGESF64.CVT - EasyScript Form (1K) TGPCF64.CVT - PaperClip Form (1K) TGSSF64.CVT - SpeedScript Form (1K) TGWWF64.CVT - WordWriter Form (1K) TGG1F64.CVT - Generic I Form (1K) TGG2F64.CVT - Generic II Form (1K) TGG3F64.CVT - Generic III Form (1K) Support data files for Text Grabber for the 128: TGFS4128.CVT - FleetSystem 4 (1K) TGPC2128.CVT - PaperClip II (1K) TGWW128.CVT - WordWriter 128 (1K) TGG1128.CVT - C128 Generic I (1K) TGG2128.CVT - C128 Generic II (1K) GEOSPELL GeoSpell is the spell checker application you can use to help you when it comes time to check the spelling in your geoWrite documents. Download the appropriate version of geoSpell and then download the dictionary that geoSpell uses. SPELL64.CVT - GEOSPELL (28K) - geoSpell for the 64 SPELL128.CVT - GEOSPELL 128 (28K) - geoSpell for the 128 DICT.CVT - GeoDictionary (97K) - dictionary used by geoSpell (works with both versions) GEOMERGE GeoMerge is a mail merge application that enables you to combine data from two documents to produce customized form letters and mailing labels. GM64.CVT - GEOMERGE (17K) - geoMerge for the 64 GM128.CVT - GEOMERGE (17K) - geoMerge for the 128 PAINT DRIVERS Paint Drivers is an application that creates a new custom printer driver based on an existing driver that you select. The resulting printer driver will create a geoPaint file rather than sending data to the printer. This allows you to print from various applications and then load the resulting image into geoPaint for further work. Paint Drivers works with both GEOS 64 and GEOS 128. PNTDRVRS.CVT - PAINT DRIVERS (4K) - compatible with both GEOS 64 and GEOS 128 GEOLASER GeoLaser is an application that is used to output your geoWrite data files to a PostScript laser printer. This version only works if you have an RS-232 adapter plugged into the user port and your printer supports that type of connection. Early Apple LaserWriter printers used this type of connection. GEOLASER.CVT - GEOLASER (15K) - compatible with both GEOS 64 and GEOS 128 RBOOT RBoot is a BASIC program you can run from outside of GEOS to boot back into GEOS, but it only works if you have a ram expansion unit. For instance, you may have booted up GEOS and then launched a non-GEOS BASIC program from the deskTop. When you do this, the deskTop will load the program into memory and then exit out of GEOS to run the BASIC program. When you are finished with the BASIC program, you can insert your GEOS boot disk and run RBOOT. This will reboot GEOS by loading code into memory that has been stored in the REU when GEOS shutdown. This allows for faster rebooting. Of course, you can't do this if you shut your computer down causing the REU to lose it's memory. RBOOT64.CVT - RBOOT (1K) - RBoot for the 64 RBOOT128.CVT - 128 RBOOT (1K) - RBoot for the 128